Wheat as a future factor for the meat industry

Wheat as a future factor for the meat industry

How wheat-based raw materials help the meat industry to implement new food trends

Meat is like oil, you might not believe that we don’t have enough resources to supply the world in the future, yet this is indeed the case. In the long term, the meat industry will be unable to meet the growing demand for good-quality and economically-priced meat products. Some companies have long recognised the signs of the times and have already expanded their range to include vegetarian and vegan alternatives. Here, textured wheat proteins are the key raw material. They give the end product the desired texture and increase its nutritional value as a protein source. Yet, plenty more can be done with wheat-based raw materials in the meat processing sector. They can optimise meat products to maximise quality and benefit.

Pioneering solutions for the meat industry

Loryma has been a reliable partner to the food industry for more than 40 years. With wheat-based raw materials and functional blends, the food specialist of the Crespel & Deiters Group sustainably improves the quality, nutritional value, production, and profitability of industrially-produced foods. The wheat-based raw materials also perform amazingly in the meat industry. You can significantly optimise the appearance, crispness, taste, stability, cooking ability, and sensory properties of meat products. With their high viscosity stability, wheat starch-based binders and thickeners are ideal for meat processing. Loryma’s textured wheat proteins can be used to produce nutritious and healthy vegetarian and vegan alternatives This enables meat companies to respond to end customers’ changing consumer behaviour and to new food trends, thereby allowing them to serve new markets. With wheat-based raw materials and functional blends, Loryma opens up new possibilities for the meat industry to make its production economical and sustainable.

In the product development of Loryma in Zwingenberg, new developments on a natural wheat basis, aimed at producing tasty, nutritious and economically-priced foods, are constantly promoted.

Loryma at IFFA 2019

Loryma’s stabilisation systems are used to support bonding, adhesion and emulsification, while ensuring the consistent quality and high success security of the end-consumer product at the customer.

Loryma presents itself at the IFFA in Frankfurt from 4 to 9 May 2019. It is important for the food ingredients manufacturer to present the meat industry with new, sustainable and economic opportunities for producing meat products or vegetarian alternatives. Meat consumption in Western countries already exceeds the natural level. Worldwide, it will be impossible to meet the growing demand for protein-rich foods with meat, even to a limited extent. Thus, consumer behaviour and markets will change. Starting to look at new food concepts and alternatives to conventional meat today is a smart idea. Using wheat-based raw materials to optimise or supplement meat is simple, economical and quick.

Wheat for meat – future-oriented and economical production with wheat-based raw materials

Loryma supplies textured wheat proteins to the meat industry for producing vegetarian and vegan products. Thanks to their high viscosity stability, Loryma’s wheat starches are used, among others, as binding and thickening agents in meat processing. Breading and coating systems add crispness, flavour, excellent baking and fermentation stability, in addition to giving meat products an appetizing appearance. Functional brine additives are ideally suited for meat preparations used in the industrial production of convenience products such as breaded meat products, roast meat, steaks, emulsified meat products, meat strips, or kebab meat.

Wheat-Based Food Ingredients for the Meat Industry

For the meat industry, Loryma offers wheat proteins for producing meat products and veggie alternatives. this way, consistency and nutritional value is optimised. Native and modified wheat starches are used for a variety of production processes, as well as functional blends for stabilisation and texturing.

Loryma supports the meat industry in

  • sustainably optimising meat products
  • economically producing convenience products
  • sustainably producing vegetarian and vegan alternatives

More about Loryma

Wheat proteins, wheat starches and functional blends form the basis of Loryma’s product portfolio. The wheat-based raw materials are also used to produce the various ingredients for the meat industry.

Textured wheat proteins: Basis for new food concepts.

Wheat proteins, wheat starches and functional blends form the basis of Loryma’s product portfolio. The wheat-based raw materials are also used to produce the various ingredients for the meat industry.

Proteins are an essential constituent part of a healthy diet. With the textured Lory® Tex wheat proteins, Loryma offers the basis for new food concepts and sustainable food innovations. Wheat texturate is excellently-suited for improving the texture, taste and nutritional value of meat products as well as vegetarian and vegan alternatives. Thus, Loryma’s textured wheat proteins also offer solutions for future challenges in the meat industry.

  • Properties: Pure vegetable protein source for a meat-like texture and unique crunchiness
  • Application: Vegetable-based protein enrichment and texture-provider for vegetarian and vegan products

More about Loryma’s textured wheat proteins

Breadings and coatings: System solutions for all applications

The Lory® Bat, Lory® Dust, Lory® Crumb and Lory® Bread coating systems provide optimum all-round adhesion for the crispness of meat products as well as vegetarian and vegan alternatives. Depending on the product substrate to be coated, the intended use and the manufacturing process, Loryma offers a variety of coating options – from single-stage, two-stage and right up to four-stage/multi-stage coating, alternatively also with spices.

  • Properties: Pure vegetable coating with an appetising appearance and excellent texture in the mouth
  • Application: Coating and wet machining of meat products, in addition to vegetarian and vegan alternatives

More about Loryma’s coating systems

Binding, texturising and stabilising systems: High quality and process reliability.

The Lory® Bind stabilisation systems optimise the binding and stability of meat and veggie products and guarantee their consistently high quality. With a wide range of applications and a high convenience factor (easy to use), the Lory® Bind products not only optimise the product, but also process control and cost-effectiveness in production.

  • Properties: Improves texture, formability, process reliability and quality – optionally with vegetarian, vegan, clean label and modified Lory® Bind systems
  • Application: Binding, texturisation and stabilisation of meat products, convenience products, vegetarian and vegan alternatives, as well as hybrid meat products

More about Loryma’s stabilizing systems

Functional brine additives: Solutions for more quality

Loryma’s Lory® Inject brine additives significantly contribute to product and quality standardisation by improving the meat’s tenderness and juiciness and reducing cooking losses. They are particularly well-suited for meat preparations for the industrial production of convenience products.

  • Properties: Pure vegetable brine preparation with standardised process reliability and functionality
  • Application: Preparation of meat that is subsequently breaded, raw, cooked or freshly placed in the market

More about Loryma’s functional brine additives