Visions made of wheat

Visions made of wheat

How industries can use wheat-based solutions to optimise processes and products sustainably and economically

One key aim of the manufacturing sector is to increase the efficiency of production processes while maintaining or even improving the quality of the product. For this, C&D Technical Applications uses the strength of wheat. Its constituent parts are used to develop functional raw materials and additives that can improve the economic feasibility, sustainability and efficiency of products and production processes in the processing industry.

Innovative solutions for technical applications.

C&D Technical Applications’ tailor-made wheat-based product solutions can have a positive influence on various factors in the production process.

C&D Technical Applications cooperate closely with customers to develop and optimise products and manufacturing processes that can improve the efficiency and environmental friendliness of end product manufacturing. This is achieved by leveraging the diverse range of possible uses of wheat’s constituent parts. Here, the wheat-based solutions offer a large and varied range of possible applications. The binding agents support pelleting, briquetting and compacting. Starch products’ bonding strength can be used to make frequently-discarded reusable materials economically viable for recycling. Numerous industrial sectors, such as building materials, paints and coatings, furniture, metal processing, fuels, waste management & recycling, in addition to textiles and chemicals use the solutions and know-how of C&D Technical Applications. Working together, we create tailor-made and visionary solutions for each individual objective..


The use of products from C&D Technical Applications reduces the abrasion of pellets, prevents dust build-up and hence prevents conveyors from clogging up. Using these products, energy costs and the wear on machinery is reduced.


C&D Technical Applications’ products for the fuels sector have environmentally-sustainable, carbon-neutral, low-odour and low-smoke combustion properties. This dispenses with the use of harmful combustion products for the benefit of health and the environment.

Compaction and granulation:

Valuable substrates are often present in dusty or slurry forms, that make them difficult or impossible to re-use. The binding power of the C&D Technical Applications starch products developed specifically for applications in compacting and granulating processes allow recyclable materials to be made available in a sustainable and economical manner. This conserves natural resources.

C&D Technical Applications: Tailored Solutions.

  • Knowledge covering a wide range of industries and sectors
  • Development of tailored solutions for efficient optimisation of the economic end product manufacturing.
  • A wide range of applications for the products, such as pelleting, briquetting and compacting
  • Experienced partner for the sustainable organisation of production processes

The journey toward the goal is also a goal

C&D Technical Applications is a competent partner with vision for innovations in industrial sectors. Our focus is always on the key aspects of sustainability, cost-effectiveness, productivity and quality. In-depth knowledge about the high-performance ability of natural raw materials and the highly-developed skills of the chemists and engineers of C&D Technical Applications, form the basis for innovative, customised products. Comprehensive advice, in-house research and development, and deep technical knowledge of production processes give our industrial customers the confidence to adopt pioneering approaches with the natural raw material wheat.

The joint development process with the customer:

1. Analysis of the current situation:

  • Planned purpose of the end-consumer product and the product’s effect.
  • Definition of the tasks
  • Analysis of the manufacturing process of the end-consumer product and general conditions during production

2. Joint setting of objectives:

  • Individual definition of customer requirements
  • Joint definition of objectives with the customer on the basis of the analysis results

3. Specific solution

  • Selection of the optimal product from the C&D Technical Applications programme or individual product development for special customer requirements

4. Verification of product properties

  • Execution and documentation of numerous trials and tests in the C&D Technical Applications pilot plant
  • Product launch
  • Application-technical support by C&D Technical Applications. If needed, we provide this support on site

Die Experten bei C&D Technical Applications arbeiten permanent
an der Weiterentwicklung von Produkten und der Verwirklichung
neuer Ideen.

Copyright Images (v.o): © Crespel & Deiters