Information on the possible effects of the crisis in Ukraine on the Crespel & Deiters Group

April 2022

Supply of our raw materials

We process 100% European wheat, the majority of which is German wheat (at least 75%). Targeted stockpiling, long-term supply contracts, and long-standing supplier relationships ensure the secure supply of our raw materials. The large share of domestic wheat contributes towards keeping transportation routes as short as possible.

Supply of natural gas

Through the use of a CHP plant, the thermal energy and electrical energy needed for the starch extraction process are obtained from natural gas highly efficiently and with a high degree of efficiency of 90%.

The contracts with our gas suppliers are not affected by the EU sanctions.

Position of the starch industry in the event of a situation of gas shortage

In the event of a gas shortage, the Federal Network Agency will become the so-called federal load distributor. In the crisis, it will take over the sovereign distribution and allocation of the scarce gas quantities This is done in close coordination with the gas network operators.

A categorisation of companies and sectors, such as systemically relevant or critical infrastructure, does not currently exist in the event of a gas shortage.

The Crespel & Deiters Group is an active member of the European starch association Starch Europe and its German counterpart VGMS (Verband der Getreide-, Mühlen- und Stärkewirtschaft VGMS e.V.). What is more, the starch industry is considered a food supplier and is therefore also represented through the BVE (Federal Association of Food).

Gustav Deiters, managing partner of the Crespel & Deiters Group, has been involved in the aforementioned associations and the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce in various positions for many years and represents the interests of Crespel & Deiters and the starch industry.

Delivery capability

Our prudent risk management, which includes our strategic purchasing, ensures our ability to deliver at the best possible level.

Provided that the gas supply in Germany continues to be 100% guaranteed for all industries, we as the Crespel & Deiters Group will continue to be able to deliver as usual.

In cooperation with our long-standing logistics partners all planned transports can be delivered and are not affected by the current situation.

We are at your disposal for further information at any time. Just contact us.


Sincerely yours,

Supply Chain Management, Crespel & Deiters Group

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May 2022