

Binding system for great-tasting, authentic meat alternatives

The Lory® Bind range includes binders with different properties that perfectly match the application and production process. Lory® Bind can be combined with other formulation components such as coatings, breadings or texturates, and is easy to process.

2020-07-14T13:37:53+02:00July 2020|

Starch Europe announces 60th anniversary campaign with launch of new Website

Brussels, Belgium 20 May 2019 – 2019 marks the 60 year anniversary of Starch Europe, the trade association representing the European starch industry. To celebrate this, Starch Europe and their members will be organising a series of actions throughout the year, as the European starch industry celebrates its long and proud history and looks forward to a bright future.

2020-07-14T13:33:54+02:00July 2020|

Impressive presentation of the new flour storage and separation plant (MT plant)

The new flour storage and separation plant is a milestone in the company’s 160-year history and symbol of it’s commitment to the location. A great deal of recognition was expressed for this at the official presentation on Thursday, 21 June 2018.

2020-07-14T13:30:58+02:00July 2020|

Energy-efficient networks by the federal government and the German economy

As a part of the Climate Protection Action Plan 2020 (Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020) and the National Action Plan Energy Efficiency (Nationalen Aktionsplan Energieeffizienz) (NAPE), which are under the auspices of the Federal Ministries for Economic Affairs (BMWi) and the Environment (BMUB), 500 energy-efficiency networks are to have been established by 2020.

2020-07-14T12:32:04+02:00July 2020|

Starch-based ingredients made easy

Starch in all of its forms and facets is a versatile raw material with different functions and utilisation types. Thanks to its versatility, starch is, e.g. used comprehensively by food producers. However, especially due to the large range of possible uses, consumers would like to gain a better understanding as to where starch-based ingredients come from, and what they are used for in food production.

2020-07-14T12:09:24+02:00July 2020|


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