

160 Years of Crespel & Deiters

Crespel & Deiters has been working consistently and sustainably with the universal natural product of wheat since 1858. Everything we do comes from our knowledge of its diverse range of possible uses.

2020-07-14T09:20:24+02:00July 2020|

Loryma repositions itself.

Loryma has been a partner of the food industry for over 40 years. In the beginning, the focus was on the production of stabilizers and emulsifiers for sauces, mayonnaises and dressings for the delicatessen industry. A different field of activity, but with intersections. When Crespel & Deiters outsourced its food division in 2001 and took over Loryma, the transformation process of Loryma into a company of the Crespel & Deiters Group began.

2020-07-14T07:37:51+02:00July 2020|

C&D is an official pacemaker of KlimaExpo.NRW

Implementing the energy transition and reaching the set climate protection goals are among the most important current challenges for politics, business, science, and civil society. NRW is a pioneer in the field of climate protection and, already in 2013, was the first federal state to set binding climate protection targets for itself.

2020-07-14T07:28:49+02:00July 2020|


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