How much knowledge is found in a grain of wheat?

How much knowledge is found in a grain of wheat?

Or: He who listens, knows more – the Crespel & Deiters consultation approach.

How much knowledge is found in a grain of wheat? Well, on the one hand, the complete, infinite wisdom of nature. In its perfection, it makes the grain of wheat a perfect, self-sufficient germ cell. Together with soil, water and sunlight, the grain creates the stalk and the ear of wheat. The ripe wheat grain can then be processed or returned to the cycle of nature in the form of seeds. When the wheat grain reaches Crespel & Deiters, the engineers and technicians there again put all their knowledge into this little miracle of nature. This is where products and solutions emerge from the grain, which in turn optimise the products of many industrial companies.

From the grain to the customer

Together with its customers, Crespel & Deiters creates functional wheat products from wheat flour for a wide variety of industries.

First, the wheat grain is broken down into its components. Wheat starch, wheat proteins, wheat fibres, and wheat extracts are obtained from the wheat flour by means of physical separation. Before new products are created from the individual materials by means of mixing, extruding and finishing, Crespel & Deiters’ focus is on talking to the customer. The task, process and goals are mutually defined. The result: tailor-made solutions that optimise our customers’ end-consumer products and make the efficiency of their manufacturing processes.

Talking is silver, listening is gold

This successful form of cooperation can only take place because the customer, his needs, wishes and requirements are Crespel & Deiters’ first priority. Accordingly, when selecting its employees, the company attaches great importance to a specific skill: They must be able to listen well. This is the first and most important step in the development process for and in cooperation with the customer.

In the course of a permanent dialogue with the customer, his specific requirements are jointly developed and implemented.

In the course of a permanent dialogue with the customer, his specific requirements are jointly developed and implemented.

Connected to everyone and everything

As a family company that has grown in the course of more than 160 years, Crespel & Deiters has always attached great importance to interpersonal relationships and cohesion. “Two things are at the centre of everything we do: The wheat, which gives us a variety of sustainable uses every year in the infinite rhythm of nature. And people with and for whom we develop innovative products with vision, technical expertise and knowledge, which, in turn, increase the successful and efficiency of their work,” is the premise of Gustav Deiters, the company’s fifth generation managing director. And this credo still echoes in everything the company does and in every product it produces today.

Gustav Deiters, managing partner of Crespel & Deiters.