Wheat relaunch 2020: C&D Petfood & Feed becomes Trigea and Crespeo

Wheat relaunch 2020: C&D Petfood & Feed becomes Trigea and Crespeo

C&D Petfood & Feed was previously Crespel & Deiters brand for pet food, livestock feed and high-grade wheat-based feed for agricultural enterprises. In order to customise our assortment of products and services even better, we divided one brand into two:

Trigea – for healthy, sustainable pet food.

Trigea is the Crespel & Deiters Group’s brand for the development of functional wheat-based products for the production and optimisation of both wet and dry pet food in the animal feed industry. Our functional products and wheat-based solutions support producers in optimising and enriching their products.

Learn more about Trigea

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With its wheat-based Trigovit® products, Trigea provides the petfood industry with high quality solutions for producing and optimising liquid and dry petfood.

Crespeo – for more nature in feed.

Crespeo is the Crespel & Deiters Group’s brand for the development and production of sustainable wheat-based products for the animal feed industry and for agricultural enterprieses. Our functional, wheat-based products are valuable nutrient and taste providers. They make an essential contribution to providing efficient nutrition to livestock.

Learn more about Crespeo

With its wheat-based Crespovit® products, Crespeo provides the feed industry and agricultural enterprises with high quality wheat-based products for livestock.

One vision – two brands: Trigea and Crespeo for natural ingredients in animal feed.

The objective and purpose of both new brands is and remains the same: we want to provide pets and livestock with the high quality, sustainable substances found in the natural raw material wheat. In so doing, our mission is to contribute to the well-being, health and performance of animals while optimally utilising the functional properties of this grain.

We are backed by over 160 years of experience and ongoing investments in research and development. This commitment has made the Crespel & Deiters Group an expert in handling the naturally renewable raw material wheat. In order to guarantee high-grade quality, we naturally continue to only use 100% GMO-free wheat sourced from the EU in our products for pets and livestock. It is characterised by a high purity level and is exceptionally rich in easy-to-digest nutrients.

The wheat is separated by the Crespel & Deiters Group. Our experts at Trigea or Crespeo then develop and produce functional wheat-based products for household pets and livestock, depending on what its application will be. Naturally we are mindful of process sequences and process environments, which satisfy all requirements for safe and hygienic production of animal feed.