Crespeo – Optimum efficiency with more nature!

 Crespeo – Optimum efficiency with more nature!

In addition to parameters such as quality, availability and pricing structures, in modern livestock farming economic, environmental and agricultural politics objectives also always play a crucial role in feed production. So how do you combine optimum nutrient provision, naturalness, sustainability and economic efficiency? With 160 years of experience processing wheat, at Crespeo we believe we have found the answer in this exceptionally potent grain: the latest science and wheat-based raw materials.

Crespeo – for more nature in feed

Crespeo is the Crespel & Deiters Group’s brand for the development and production of sustainable wheat-based products for the animal feed industry and for agricultural enterprises. Our functional, wheat-based products are valuable nutrient and taste providers. They make an essential contribution to providing efficient nutrition to livestock.

Our goal in two points:

  • Our product solutions and feed materials provide an essential contribution to the feed industry for the nutrient-rich, sustainable feeding of livestock. With wheat-based products made from wheat by-products in the starch industry, not only do we add greater naturalness to the feed, we also optimise the taste and the administration of the feed.
  • We use the functional properties and natural ingredients of wheat to optimise processes and products in feed production.

Strong feed, strong animals, optimised processes – With Crespeo

In our opinion, strong feed starts with a strong raw material. That is why as part of the Crespel & Deiters Group, Crespeo relies on the highest quality 100% GMO-free EU-wheat. To attain even greater purity we aim to obtain a majority of the wheat directly from the region. Moreover, Crespeo products meet the highest certification standards and are chemical-free.

Crespeo’s product portfolio provides the feed industry and agricultural enterprises with wheat-based liquid and dry products to optimise production and end products. High-grade wheat compounds are the basis for the products. We obtain our Crespovit® feed for pigs and cattle from the by-products of our starch factory. For instance, thanks to its high digestibility, when combined with Crespovit® Protein, our hydrolised wheat protein (at least 82 % protein content), our dried Crespovit® Starch products are particularly suited for producing milk replacers for young animals.

Our Crespovit® Flour serves as a binding agent for the compound feed industry and is an easily digestible source of carbohydrates in milk replacers and prestarters. It is an extruded wheat source flour with good solubility, and it is taste and odour neutral. This is why Crespovit® Flour is also used as a carrier substance for special feeds.

In addition to ingredients and taste, our Crespovit® products offer another advantage: process optimisation in the production of feeds. As was already mentioned, Crespovit® products are suitable as effective binding agents and also as thickeners. As stabilisers they solidify pastes and emulsions for a more homogeneous feed. In this manner, the possibly viscosity variance is increased for both the manufacturer and the livestock farmer.

High-quality wheat compounds form the basis for our Crespovit® products. As liquid or dried products, they optimise production and the finished feed.

Our wheat-based Crespovit® products are suitable for a variety of applications. To increase the protein content, as a source of carbohydrates in milk replacers and prestarters, as a carrier for special feeds or as a binder and stabiliser for compound feeds.

C&D Petfood & Feed was previously Crespel & Deiters brand for pet food, livestock feed and high-grade wheat-based feed for agricultural operations. We turned it into two brands: Trigea for pet applications and Crespeo for livestock applications.

More information in our blog post Wheat relaunch 2020: C&D Petfood & Feed becomes Trigea and Crespeo

More about Crespeo

Visit Crespeo, a brand of the Crespel & Deiters Group, for more information about feed for livestock