Work where the future is formed: The youth in the German industry.

Work where the future is formed: The youth in the German industry.

Crespel & Deiters as an important economic factor, employer and vocational trainer in North Westphalia

Ibbenbüren is a medium-sized town on the outskirts of North Rhine-Westphalia. In this idyllic landscape one would hardly expect modern industry. And yet one of Europe’s leading specialists for wheat-based products has its headquarters here: the Crespel & Deiters Group. The Crespel & Deiters Group develops innovative ideas from wheat for industrial customers in both the non-food and the food sectors. As part of the German industry, Crespel & Deiters  represents an important success factor for the region, boosting it economically and with many jobs. And, it demonstrates how industry can function well and, at the same time, harmonise with people and nature. Sustainable. Sensible. Fit for the future.

Crespel & Deiters in Ibbenbüren: The specialist in the separation and refinement of wheat is a driving force for progress and an important employer in the region. More than 270 people work here, 15 of whom are currently trainees.

German industry – an important employer and economic driver

When thinking of the word “industry”, many people have an image of large, global, remotely-based companies and smoking chimneys that pollute the air and the environment. At least in Germany, the reality is somewhat different. German industry is not only important for the German economy’s growth and, as such, for securing general prosperity, it is also one of the most important employers in our country. More than six million people work in industrial companies in Germany. And 90% of these companies employ fewer than 250 people. Thus, the majority of the German industry consists of medium-sized and often family-managed companies with strong roots in their home locations, which they remain loyal to despite globalisation. And it is these very companies that assume responsibility for the economy and the people in their region, who create jobs and, most importantly, offer young people opportunities for a sound education and personal development.

The industrial “Mittelstand” [SME sector]: Economic factor and employer.

Industrial location Ibbenbüren: Security, prosperity and the future – for working and living

For young people, industrial companies such as Crespel & Deiters offer many future-oriented opportunities and exciting tasks.

The industry has always been one of the most important employers in North Westphalia, and nearly 250,000 people work here in more than 4,100 industrial companies. This makes North Westphalia a strong economic region. Products from here are in high demand across the globe. Since 1980, local industrial companies’ exports have more than quadrupled, and they have even increased fivefold in Münsterland. The Crespel & Deiters Group also exports its products across the globe and supports about 700 international customers with wheat-based products and plenty of knowledge in all sectors and industries. People who work here help shape the future in an environmentally-conscious and sustainable way. Because the Crespel & Deiters products help to add more nature to industrial products, in addition to optimising their production. From natural corrugated adhesives for packaging online orders to wheat-based binders for grill briquettes and textured wheat proteins for producing vegetarian and vegan alternatives in the food industry. And all of this with a truly natural, renewable resource: Wheat.

Acting in an environmentally-sound manner, within a holistic process

In numerous other industries, processes are broken down so that employees are only involved in a small, isolated part of product creation. By contrast, we still have a complete value chain at Crespel & Deiters. This already starts with the extraction and processing of raw materials. Crespel & Deiters buys the predominantly German wheat, has it milled and then feeds the flour into its own production in Ibbenbüren. In a physical process, it is then separated into the components of starch and proteins. In a next step, more than 270 employees with in-depth knowledge of the grain, great experience and foresight cooperate hand-in-hand, working on the development of ever new functional products and processes for customer-specific applications. It is this idea of helping to shape a product in a sustainable, environmentally-conscious manner, from start to finish, that makes working at Crespel & Deiters such a smart idea. In so doing, protecting the environment and resources is a top priority. For decades, environmentally-friendly and sustainable action has been one of the key corporate objectives of the Crespel & Deiters Group. This means facing up to the company’s responsibility of reconciling ecological requirements with the economic concerns and social tasks.

The company also goes the sustainable way with wheat, which represents the basis of all Crespel & Deiter’s products and solutions. The purchased and processed wheat comes exclusively from the EU and always at least 75% from German cultivation.

Shaping the future, as part of North Westphalia’s industry

Especially young people who would like to make their contribution and grow in the process will find a new professional home at Crespel & Deiters. As a family-managed industrial company in the 5th generation, it’s all about people, values and personal dealings with one another at Crespel & Deiters. In the community of the “Drei Hasen Familie” [Three Hares Family] trainees, young professionals and long-standing employees find the security and positive social ties that only a stable and long-standing family company can offer. Within this framework, the employees at Crespel & Deiters will find many opportunities for climbing the career ladder, getting ahead, finding personal success, and individual development. Mutual social commitment is also part of the company policy. Every year the trainees of Crespel & Deiters dedicate their time to the “Social Day” for the community within the region. As part of the acceptance offensive “In|du|strie – Gemeinsam. Zukunft. Leben” [Industry – Together – Future] of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) North Westphalia, Crespel & Deiters takes its responsibility for the community and region very seriously. Whether it is about the renovation of school classes, visits to senior residence homes or tidying up green spaces – together we tackle the challenges and bring about change for the good of the community and the region.

The diversity of a medium-sized industrial company

It is one of the virtues of a family-managed business to accept everyone in the group as they are and to bring their strengths to bear for the benefit of all. From student trainees to doctoral students, from young trainees to experienced employees with more than 40 years of service with the company – every individual at Crespel & Deiters benefits and learns from one another and together with one another every day anew. As a medium-sized company, Crespel & Deiters faces up to its responsibility to provide young people in the region with a good start to their careers. Meanwhile, the wheat specialist at C&D is training young adults in eight different job profiles. The job offers are just as interesting as they are varied. The Drei-Hasen family consists of industrial clerks, industrial mechanics, specialists in food technology, information technology clerks, IT specialists for system integration, chemical laboratory assistants, electronic technicians for industrial technology, and even foresters. And the opportunities to start a career with a family company such as Crespel & Deiters are good. Many former trainees are now permanent members of the company. Some of the department heads and managers also initially started their careers with training at C&D and climbed the professional ladder within a few years.

Crespel & Deiters offers young people sound training and successful advancement in the professions of chemical laboratory technician, electronics technician for industrial engineering, forester, industrial clerk, industrial mechanic, specialist for food technology, as well as IT clerks and specialists for system integration.