Press Release: Raising awareness of the circular economy

Crespeo joins campaign for more appreciation of by-products

Crespeo, the feed ingredient specialist of wheat processor Crespel & Deiters Group, has collaborated on a video about the potential of recycling by-products in a circular economy. The alliance of several organisations from the agricultural and food sector wants to show that it can have a great impact if all players – from suppliers to consumers – understand and use co-products as valuable raw materials. In a sustainable, circular value creation, they can be used, for example, as livestock and pet food, in bio-based products and for renewable energies.

In the video, Crespeo and the Crespel & Deiters Group is one of the suppliers working with Dutch distributor Looop to put the by-products from processing wheat to further use as livestock feed. Crespel & Deiters Group recycles about 99% of each grain of wheat and produces wheat-based solutions for food, feed, pet food and technical applications such as adhesives. AB InBev, EcoFuels, J. van Iersel Dairy, Laarakker Groenteverwerking, Peka Kroef and de Zaanpeel are also part of the video.

Strong partnerships

As a trading partner, Looop specialises in the valorisation of by-products from the food and fermentation industry, and initiated the video. “Cooperation is indispensable in order to deal responsibly with raw materials and exploit their potential. In all food production there are opportunities to add further value and thus reduce food waste,” says Heike Sander, Head of Marketing at Crespel & Deiters Group.

According to Looop, the contribution of the agri-food sector to the circular economy is not sufficiently known in society, even though the sector is an important catalyst. “Circularity is, as it should be, high on the agenda within these organizations and throughout the chain,” says Dick Kroot, Managing Director at Looop. ” However, too little thought is given to the circular impact the chain is already making, which is why it is important to tell this story.”


December 2022