Loryma opens state-of-the-art technical centre

New R&D laboratory enables targeted development of innovative wheat ingredients, product optimisation and expanded services for customers


Our new modern and versatile test laboratory in Zwingenberg near Frankfurt has opened this month the doors.  New functional wheat-based components and applications are developed on site, alongside the optimisation of customer products and training sessions. After five months of construction, the core element is a professional test kitchen. Here, production and processes can be simulated on an industrial scale, and final product preparation demonstrated. In addition, the technical centre includes two laboratories for innovative meat concepts, a bakery, a breading kitchen and a seminar room for workshops. The modern equipment enables not only qualified research and product development, but also comprehensive technical customer service. A total of 8 employees can test possible processing methods, product stability and the quality of existing applications and innovative prototypes.

Workshops or webinars can be held in the technical centre to demonstrate to manufacturers the various application possibilities of wheat ingredients, and their ease of processing for optimal product concepts. Loryma also offers customers the joint development of tailor-made solutions in its role as a service partner.

“The diverse raw material inspires us to constantly develop new processing possibilities and applications in response to market trends,” explains Norbert Klein, Head of Product Development at Loryma. “We have selected the modern equipment in the technical centre in order to closely replicate large-scale production, thus enabling an uncomplicated scale-up. As product developers, we now have the ideal prerequisites to pick up on new future-oriented trends and implement an uncomplicated and cost-effective manufacturing process with our customers.”

February 2021