Energy-efficient networks by the federal government and the German economy

As a part of the Climate Protection Action Plan 2020 (Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020) and the National Action Plan Energy Efficiency (Nationalen Aktionsplan Energieeffizienz) (NAPE), which are under the auspices of the Federal Ministries for Economic Affairs (BMWi) and the Environment (BMUB), 500 energy-efficiency networks are to have been established by 2020. The purpose is to attain the climate and energy-political goals of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Meanwhile, 21 associations and organisations are participating as well as the two federal ministries.

Regional companies are called upon to organise themselves in networks and to hold regular workshops on the general energy topics within the coming three years.

These topics can be legal, technical and/or organisational in nature, and a specialist technical lecture is organised for this purpose. The network participants take turns at extending an invitation to host the event at their site. Thereby, when taking a tour through the company premises, they can demonstrate their energy-specific themes.

Crespel & Deiters participates in the REGINEE energy-efficiency network.

The REGINEE regional energy efficiency initiative was initiated by the Osnabrück – Emsland – Grafschaft Bentheim Chamber of Industry and Commerce in cooperation with the Federal Association of Energy Consumers (VEA) in Hanover.

Here, the VEA association organises the visit of an energy manager to each company, who then takes a vendor-independent look at the situation on site. Together with the representatives of the company, concrete saving goals are elaborated and set down in writing as mandatory targets that are to be addressed in the near future. The objective of the network was to save 11,845,895 kWh.

On 12.6.2017, C&D participated in the network meeting for the eighth time. All participants unanimously confirmed that they find the meetings useful. This is because they help in presenting the flood of energy-statutory regulations in a manner that is more or less understandable. What is more, with the help of the company tours, it is possible to gain a deeper insight into production and energy systems in other industries. The initiative’s success is monitored and verified annually by the federal government.

The topic of sustainability is very important for Crespel & Deiters, and it has been certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 50001 standard. What is more, the company was distinguished with the first place in Dortmund by the Environmental Minister of NRW, Johannes Remmel on the 29th of June 2016, where it was presented the EnergieInnovationsPreis.NRW (EIP.NRW) (Energy Innovation Prize).

With its new prize, EnergieAgentur.NRW would like to distinguish companies who can present successfully-implemented innovative projects in the field of energy management systems.

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July 2020