Impressive presentation of the new flour storage and separation plant (MT plant)

What a milestone

The new flour storage and separation plant is a milestone in the company’s 160-year history and symbol of it’s commitment to the location. A great deal of recognition was expressed for this at the official presentation on Thursday, 21 June 2018.

The new flour storage and separation plant is a milestone in Crespel & Deiters’ corporate history.

Crespel & Deiters: MT plant officially presented.

Gustav Deiters, managing partner of C&D, looked at the milestone represented by the MT plant and said that the company founders of 1858 could never have dreamt “that their foundations would develop in such a manner”. Today C&D is active in many countries and on almost all continents. Nevertheless, the “central hub” of the Group still remains the wheat starch factory on Groner Allee. A great deal has happened here in past years. The company overcame a structural crisis after 130 years of company history by standing up for itself. Things improved steadily, following a strategic reorientation that started in 1990. This also applies to the personnel figures. In 2017, C&D had 237 employees at the Ibbenbüren site alone, and almost 300 in the Group. “And the upward trend is continuing,” says Deiters.

Gustav Deiters, managing partner of Crespel & Deiters.

With the new MT plant, the necessary capacity expansion is achieved, in addition to the unbundling of the entire manufacturing process. With this investment, the home location will be ready for the future, Deiters explained. The managing partner said that this would allow the company to satisfy its responsibility, both as an employer and taxpayer. Deiters continues: “And we are dedicated to this industry and its industrial value creation.” This is the basis of prosperity in Germany. “We want to develop the location further and offer many young people training and further education opportunities.” And, regarding the motivation for this “mega-investment”, (Deiters) he said: “It’s about our future and about future generations, not only at C&D, but throughout the region, in Germany and in Europe.” Deiters thanked employees, shareholders and all those involved in the project for their commitment.

The mayor, Dr Marc Schrameyer, spoke of “the highest respect” and “high regard” for this business decision. And it is also a sign of commitment to the region. “I am proud and grateful to have such a company in Ibbenbüren.” Schrameyer spoke of a great symbol in times of structural change.

Anja Karliczek, local Federal Minister of Education and Research, spoke about seeing constant change as an opportunity. C&D, with its 160-year corporate history, is a very good example of this: “Courage and foresight have been a key component of C&D for 160 years.” The company is a “top employer in medium-sized businesses,” which deserves the highest recognition.

Before the tours began, Dr Michael Christoph, authorised signatory and Head of Production and Technology, briefly introduced the new MT system. Christoph’s summary: “It’s team spirit that drives us forward. And the entrepreneurial foresight and loyalty of our customers.” He also thanked all the companies involved in the plant’s construction.

During the highlight of Crespel & Deiters’ anniversary year, all involved parties were delighted to celebrate the official presentation of the new flour storage and separation plant (from left) together: Dr. Michael Christoph, authorised signatory and head of production and technology at C&D, Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Gustav Deiters, managing partner of C&D and Mayor, Dr Marc Schrameyer.

The new MT system

C&D says the following about the new MT plant: “With it, Crespel & Deiters once again significantly optimises all process steps in production. The raw materials warehouse was restructured and significantly expanded. The new dispatch silos are used for storing and loading of, e.g. special adhesives, wheat proteins and wheat starches, and they are connected to existing production plants via pipelines.

The new three-phase decanter uses centrifugal force to separate the flour into three different product streams with greater efficiency than before. Here, a maximum acceleration factor of 3000 G is used, i.e. the drum rotates 2650 times/minute, 44 times/second. The systematic, precise separation of the wheat flour in different process stages, as well as the well-conceived storage and logistics of the raw materials make the new MT plant a true efficiency miracle. By unbundling the site, the company has created capacity reserves and new production potential for the future.”

Figures on the MT plant: Building: 189 pile foundations by September 2016, concrete 7,497 m³, reinforced steel 1,612 t, weight in operation: 38,000 t (almost four times heavier than the Eiffel Tower); equipment: 3,200 m² new paving on the south side, 77.3 km of cable laid, 730 fittings and measuring instruments, 470 system components such as: apparatus, pumps, heat exchangers, containers, filters, fans, screws, discharge floors; 212 tons of production platforms with 820 m² stainless steel chequer plate coating; 4,350 metres of pipelines; 280 m of pipe bridges. (Source: Crespel & Deiters)


“Simply assume that we never tire.”
Gustav Deiters looked into the future from the vantag point of the milestone MT plant

“Dr. Christoph, your plant.”
Gustav Deiters passed on to the authorised signatory and Head of Production and Technology, who went on to present the technical details

“An exemplary company history.”
Minister Anja Karliczek

“Innovative companies need many smart people.”
Anja Karliczek

Text: Claus Kossag, ivz | Images: Crespel & Deiters GmbH & Co. KG/Dirk Egelkamp

July 2020