Loryma repositions itself.

Loryma has been a partner of the food industry for over 40 years. In the beginning, the focus was on the production of stabilizers and emulsifiers for sauces, mayonnaises and dressings for the delicatessen industry. A different field of activity, but with intersections. When Crespel & Deiters outsourced its food division in 2001 and took over Loryma, the transformation process of Loryma into a company of the Crespel & Deiters Group began.

Pioneering solutions for the food industry

Today Loryma is the specialist for wheat proteins, wheat starches and functional blends of wheat-based raw materials.

As part of the Crespel & Deiters Group, we benefit from 160 years of experience in dealing with the universal natural product wheat; a knowledge that flows daily into our work and the advice we give our food-producing customers. Thanks to the high quality standards within the Group, we are able to ensure consistently high raw material quality in the production and supply chain.

Optimisation of industrially produced food

As a supplier to the food industry, we optimise the quality, taste, appearance and cost-effectiveness of industrially produced foods because we know exactly what the function and effect of wheat products is in the customer’s manufacturing process and in the finished food. In addition, we see ourselves as a trendsetter force for innovative food products.

New appearance

In order to make this new bundling of forces visible to our customers in the market as well, we have worked on a new image that concentrates on our experience with wheat-based raw materials and their multifaceted possibilities.

Call us or send us an email! We will be pleased to advise you about the various possibilities with the Loryma product assortment.

Contact: loryma@crespeldeitersgroup.com
T +49 6251 1799-0

July 2020