C&D is an official pacemaker of KlimaExpo.NRW

KlimaExpo.NRW is propelling climate protection forward.

Implementing the energy transition and reaching the set climate protection goals are among the most important current challenges for politics, business, science, and civil society. NRW is a pioneer in the field of climate protection and, already in 2013, was the first federal state to set binding climate protection targets for itself.

As an initiative of the federal government, KlimaExpo.NRW presents the technological and economic potential to the general North Rhine-Westphalian public. Thanks to the initiative, bright minds from business, science and society are brought together. Not only do they and they cooperate with regional development agencies; they also liaise closely with specialist partners, associations and sector organisations.

With a total of at least 1,000 projects, players and campaigns, a nationwide process is to be initiated. The purpose: making climate protection visible as a driving force for progress and encouraging participation,

Thanks to the successes achieved to date, in addition to other objectives concerning sustainability and climate protection, Crespel & Deiters has been nominated as an official pacemaker of KlimaExpo.NRW.

Ever since we commenced our entrepreneurial activities, environmentally-friendly and sustainable action has been one of our key corporate goals. We work on identifying and implementing savings potentials every day , so as to secure sustainable business workings and protect the environment for future generations.

Within the framework of KlimaExpo.NRW, we have thus committed ourselves to continue working on our carbon footprint in the future and to decrease it even further, despite our planned rise in output.

July 2020