Dealing with the corona pandemic within the Crespel & Deiters Group

March 17, 2020

As the corona virus continues to spread worldwide, we would like to provide an update on the current situation and how to deal with the corona pandemic within the Crespel & Deiters Group.

The health of our employees has top priority. Our employees are already regularly trained in hygiene guidelines and in the use of personal protection and hygiene measures. The training content is adapted to the respective recommendations of the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute. Necessary preventive and protective agents such as disinfection, disposable face masks, gloves, etc. are stored. As a preventive measure, we decided to hand over the shift in written form or by phone to reduce personal contact. The delivery of raw materials and the delivery of finished goods also take place without contact with drivers or are reduced to a minimum. Administrative staff may – as far as possible – work from their home office.

To maintain our business, telephone and video conferences are held and business trips are temporarily suspended. There are special areas within our company premises that only authorized, internal employees may enter. In addition, by reorganizing the operational processes, we have ensured that employees from different areas and different shifts do not meet.

Because we only process EU wheat, which at least 75% comes from German cultivation, we can currently maintain our supply chains. We also achieve this through targeted stockpiling and our long-term supply contracts. The movement of goods across the internal European borders can currently be maintained; here there may only be delays at the borders. At the moment we can confirm that we have no problems in delivering to our customers.

Our regular internal communication informs all employees of the Crespel & Deiters Group about our further handling of the corona pandemic. We evaluate the developments every day in order to derive measures for the Crespel & Deiters Group.

The priority is the health protection of our employees and the associated security and maintenance of our business activities.

July 2020