In cooperation with Viscofan, Loryma has developed a wheat-based concept for meat-free sausages with outstanding sensory appeal

Loryma has developed a new, unique recipe for vegan bratwurst. It consists of texturized Lory® Tex wheat protein granules, the Lory®Bind binding system and a matching bratwurst seasoning mix in the crisp vegan casing of the Weinheim producer, Viscofan. These components provide the basis for a bratwurst that can be cooked both in a pan and on the grill, in addition to being firm, juicy and with an authentic bite.

With the help of the Lory®Bind binding system, varying particle sizes and a matching, purely vegetable bratwurst seasoning mix, the texture, colour and taste of the vegan sausage can be adapted for food producers. A wide variety of products such as a curry sausage, a hot dog sausage or a weisswurst can be produced, in addition to a coarse rostbratwurst (rib steak sausage) or fine Nuremberger bratwurst. The binding system is tasteless and perfectly matched to the vegan casing of our partner Viscofan, with whom we cooperated closely during the development. The 100% Viscofan sausage casing is especially suitable for vegetarian or vegan products, in addition to being easy to fill and simple to handle.

July 2020