160 Years of Crespel & Deiters

160 Years of Crespel & Deiters

A company that is older than a century takes a look at its past to continue on its successful course

Connected to one another – this was the motto under which Crespel & Deiters heralded the 160th anniversary of its company history in 2018. The specialist for wheat-based products did not wish to celebrate an anniversary; rather, he wanted to create a snapshot of the company’s essence. With employees, partners and companions. Because 160 years of Crespel & Deiters are 160 years of love for wheat and 160 years of development, which arose from living the values we believe in.

The artist Irina Titova reflected on the 160-year history of the company with her live sand paintings.

The way is the goal – for 160 years

From its founding in 1858, through both world wars and various economic crises, right up to constant market upheavals and industrial realignment, Crespel & Deiters has developed from what started as a Westphalian grain mill into a starch producer and, today, one of the leading global manufacturers of wheat-based products for a wide variety of industries. And: it has remained owner-managed throughout, today already in the fifth family generation. The strong cohesion of the family and the employees creates a feeling of security and consistency of values that, in today’s globalised world, has become more important than ever before.

Deep connection with wheat, Ibbenbüren and the people

People always remain the most important aspect in all of Crespel & Deiters’ entrepreneurial activities. These people are the customers who have found an innovative, competent and reliable partner in Crespel & Deiters when it comes to the development, production and optimisation of their products with the Group’s qualitative, wheat-based solutions. At Crespel & Deiters, employees can rely on fairness, safety and a familial atmosphere. The region participates in the company’s deep-rooted commitment to the German location. And everyone and everything are connected with one another on this mutual path. It is this connection with industry, raw materials, employees, partners, people, families, and the region that makes Crespel & Deiters what it is today.

Crespel & Deiters’ anniversary year was marked by the motto “Connected to one another”, which was also celebrated in all areas at the 160th anniversary celebrations.

Developments for the future

With the company’s new flour storage and separation plant on the premises in Ibbenbüren, Crespel & Deiters’ production efficiency is significantly improved, thereby making it even more competitive in the future.

160 Years of Crespel & Deiters That is 16 decades of eventful company history. Time to reflect on where you come from, reflect on where you are today and to lay out the course you wish to take in the future. At Crespel & Deiters, all people associated with the company can participate in this process and its results. Therefore, from 21 to 23 June 2018, the Group invited its employees, partners and companions to celebrate 160 years of Crespel & Deiters and set the course for the future. In this time, the company’s new, trend-setting flour storage and separation plant was officially presented.

More sustainable and energy-efficient production

The celebrations lasted two days and included guided tours of the premises, the inauguration of the new Crespel & Deiters MT plant, and the big event for all employees. On 21 June 2018, Crespel & Deiters’ new, innovative, high-performance flour storage and separation plant was officially presented in the presence of politicians, authorities and the press. Thanks to experts, the invited guests could take a closer look at the new MT plant. The systematic, precise wheat cutting and the raw materials’ sophisticated storage and logistics make the new flour storage and separation plant a real efficiency miracle. By disentangling the site, Crespel & Deiters intends to create space reserves and new production potential for the future. The new MT plant is another expansion and also a clear and active commitment of Crespel & Deiters to the production locations of Germany and the region around Ibbenbüren.

Crespel & Deiters’ managing partner, Gustav Deiters, officially presented the new MT plant in Ibbenbüren on 21 June 2018, in the presence of representatives from politics, authorities and the press (from left to right: Dr Michael Christoph, Head of Production & Technology at Crespel & Deiters, Member of the German Parliament for Education and Research Anja Karliczek, Gustav Deiters, Dr Marc Schrameyer, Mayor of the City of Ibbenbüren).

Celebrating the mutual history

With standing ovations, the guests applauded the contributions, congratulations and the following show program.

On 23 June, the employees and their families could visit the new MT plant. Subsequently, everyone met in the Ems Hall in Emsdetten for the 160th anniversary celebration. The celebratory event commenced with the Group’s executive management. They reflected on Crespel & Deiters’ past, present and future. The path and the development opportunities found within the areas of pure industrial work in the past, right up to the product management today and the process management of the future. Then it was the employees’ turn. They spoke about their experiences and explained why they enjoyed working for Crespel & Deiters so much and for so many years. This was followed by Crespel & Deiters’ customers from across the globe, congratulating Crespel & Deiters with a video message on the occasion of its 160th anniversary .

Together, strong for new challenges

During the panel discussion, a talk show guest made an apt and very true remark: “Behind every company, you will find strong women and strong men, just like the employees present here. They are all responsible or have contributed to Crespel & Deiters’ ability to act so dynamically and work so successfully today.” This also epitomises Crespel & Deiters 2018. Saying thank you, giving something back and, in doing so, continuing to reflect on the Group values that have been tried and tested for 160 years. Because innovation, growth and strength come from tradition. And shared values, competence and experience give rise to new ideas, inspiration and developments that will continue to drive the Crespel & Deiters Group forward in the future. Together. For everyone’s sake.

Together, deeply connected with each other, with the company and the customers on the way forward: The employees of Crespel & Deiters.